






Patient Stories - Kirsten Cameron

Delivering excellent,  natural results  for my patients is very rewarding as it really does boost their confidence and quality of life and I’m delighted to have the ability to do that, it’s a very fulfilling experience.

Dr Andrew Culbard

BDS (Gla) Dip MJDF, Dip Clin Orth, Dip Align


Kirsten is one half of Aquarius creative and has featured on BBC series “The Agency – unfiltered.”

She primarily wanted to improve her smile by widening the buccal corridors (dark space) and increasing the visibility of tooth display. 

Kirsten presented looking for an honest opinion on the options for natural aesthetic enhancements to her teeth. 

I presented a number of options including invisalign and composite bonding, or porcelain veneers. 


dental Treatment

10 Porcelain Veneers

Other options

Another option in this case would be invisalign orthodontics and composite composite bonding.

Appointment Schedule

Visit 1: Consultation and discussion
Visit 2: Recording of scan, photographs and radiographs to allow for digital smile design and treatment planning
Visit 3: Preparation appointment - the teeth are prepared with minimal reduction of the tooth surface to allow for an undetectable final veneer placement. Temporary veneers are placed for 2 weeks to allow the final veneers to be constructed in the lab.
Visit 4: The final veneers are fitted

Treatment Information

Average Treatment time: 4 visit across 4-6 weeks Cost: £800 Per tooth plus diagnostic lab fees Longevity: Expected to last 20+ years with meticulous care and maintenance

“I trust Andrew’s expertise and decided to have porcelain veneers over composite bonding due to the superior aesthetics and longevity of this treatment. I am thrilled with the outcome

Kirsten Cameron

Aesthetics & Cosmetic Dentistry Patient





